In November 2008 Christine was elected as Vice Chairwoman for the Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council – South East Board. Facilitating the various agencies outsourced to tender and providing project completion in spending government monies for sectors within BwD Borough Council. The SE Board also received an award for the introduction of the ‘Community Cohesion – Good Relations Programme’ (based on the ICOCO report) which took place over a 6 month period and concluded with a trip to Corrymeela, Northern Ireland, to meet the Peace Group (ex IRA and UDV). Meeting with the Peace Group, listening to their horrific stories, had a profound affect on Christine.    The SE Board was disbanded in 2011 due to cut backs.


This programme, along with working with young people, the community and from personal experience, has spearheaded Christine’s decision to take the Diploma in Mediation.
“When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace” Jimi Hendrix